Attention! Necromancy, one of the Daedric forces, and the foulest and most detestable magic, is on the rise on the continent of Tamriel. Every common folk should be far away from those places such as ancient ruins, hidden caves and poorly-kept graveyards. This could be a world of unsettled spirits, shambling corpses and worse spreads. Everyone should be well prepared to be able to recognize and face these undead menaces.

These threats include the reanimated, the Returned, the Accursed and some other abominable miscegenetions. They are often summoned by necromancers who study the repellant magic. The Reanimated are enslaved spirits instilled into corpses and constructs of bodies, being the forms of skeletons or hulking flesh atronach. The Returned are always ghosts, wraiths and specters coming back for various of reasons. The Accursed are living people who are corrupted by cursed diseases such as vampires. And other undead such as the liches—corpses that are self-reanimated by the souls they bore in life—that are hard to be classified all belong to the Abominable Miscegenations.
Those undead, to a large extent, are attributed to Molag Bal, the abhorrent prince who wants to control the Tamriel continent. Usually the undead are summoned to destroy the normal life. To be safe, you shouldn’t go to some dangerous places such as graveyards, caves alone. And once you find those things, you’d better report it to the local Fighters’ Guild as soon as possible.
By the way, someone may tell you there is benefit if you try to explore the magic. That’s not true. We should combat necromancy. What to do if you come across one of these undead? Buy enough
cheap eso gold and eso items to be better equipped and prepared.